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Monday, November 3, 2014

QR codes and google forms!

Recently I have been learning about qr codes and google forms, so this week some of Room 12 will be using them too.

What is a google form, you ask?
This is where I can create a questionnaire, survey etc using the google site.  It allows me to view the responses as each person completes the survey or questionnaire.  Absolutely awesome for things ike assessment!

What is a qr code, you ask?
You may have seen these square patterns on websites or shop windows (almost like a barcode).  People can simply use an app on their smartphone, or device, to take a photo of the qr code and it takes you straight to a website (or in my case....the google form).

Today Joel and Oliver used the class iPad to use the qr code to take them to a survey about 'verbs'.

The 'verb' qr code.  We used the i-nigma app to view the codes.
If anyone is keen to learn more about qr codes you can go to qrstuff.com to learn about it.  It is really easy to use.

1 comment:

  1. Great work boys, keep up the great learning
