Welcome to our blog.

We are a bunch of new entrant learners at Wairakei School, Christchurch, New Zealand. We hope you enjoy looking at what we have been up to.

Room 12's Pirate Blog is embedded into our class space. If you're having trouble reading/scrolling down our pirate blog...you can visit our blog in a new window by clicking on this link: http://piratelearners.blogspot.co.nz/

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Leaf Fight and Telligami stories

After Kapa Haka today Room 12 had a leaf fight over at the hills - what fun we had!

Leaf Fight! on PhotoPeach

Here is Makylah's story about our leaf fight:
We had a leaf fight with Kaci and Eita too.  We went up at the mountains.  I threw leaves at Miss O'Neill.
Ka pai, Makylah!!!
Last week we wrote fabulous stories about tigers.  Today we used the Telligami App on the iPads to make special avatars say our story.  It was so much fun to choose what our avatar would look like, and record our stories.  Here they are:



Makylah wrote so much she had to speak fast to squeeze her story into 30 seconds of recording:









Adela's telligami will be put on tomorrow....we made one, but I must have forgotten to email it to myself...oops!  We'll make it again tomorrow.

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