Welcome to our blog.

We are a bunch of new entrant learners at Wairakei School, Christchurch, New Zealand. We hope you enjoy looking at what we have been up to.

Room 12's Pirate Blog is embedded into our class space. If you're having trouble reading/scrolling down our pirate blog...you can visit our blog in a new window by clicking on this link: http://piratelearners.blogspot.co.nz/

Friday, November 1, 2013

Kapa Haka at Pitcairn Crescent Kindy

Last Friday Room 12 and their buddy classroom, Room 5, walked to Pitcairn Kindergarten to perform some Kapa Haka items.  What fun we had!

A huge thank you to Miranda Gray, Jaime Young and Angelita Schwalger for walking with us - your help is very much appreciated.  Didn't the kids do well with the long walk?

At Pitcairn Kindy we performed some items, then the little kiddies from kindergarten also performed some items - brilliant!

We were kindly invited to stay for afternoon tea and a little play in their playground.

We should do it again!  Maddox and Ruby K loved visiting their old kindergarten and seeing their teachers again.

Pitcairn Kindy visit on PhotoPeach

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