Welcome to our blog.

We are a bunch of new entrant learners at Wairakei School, Christchurch, New Zealand. We hope you enjoy looking at what we have been up to.

Room 12's Pirate Blog is embedded into our class space. If you're having trouble reading/scrolling down our pirate blog...you can visit our blog in a new window by clicking on this link: http://piratelearners.blogspot.co.nz/

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Our focus for Terms 3 and 4 is INTERACTION (our first goal is to pronounce it correctly).

One form of INTERACTION is the reaction or response between a book and its reader...so we are looking at how pop-up books excite their readers.  We've looked at a few pop-up books already and we have discovered that some have lift-up parts, moving parts, stand up parts, twisting parts and lots more!  We got very excited!

We're going to make a pop-up book eventually, so we are learning about the different types of folds.  Today we learnt how to do a 'mouth fold'.  Some of it was tricky but we persevered (which means 'keep trying even when it is hard').  Didn't we do well?

Mouth Fold art on PhotoPeach

MUFTI DAY next Friday 9 August.  We will be INTERACTING with Room 5 by sharing a colour for mufti day.  Our colour is BLUE...what blue clothes might you wear?  Bring a gold coin donation.

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