Welcome to our blog.

We are a bunch of new entrant learners at Wairakei School, Christchurch, New Zealand. We hope you enjoy looking at what we have been up to.

Room 12's Pirate Blog is embedded into our class space. If you're having trouble reading/scrolling down our pirate blog...you can visit our blog in a new window by clicking on this link: http://piratelearners.blogspot.co.nz/

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Teddy Bear's Picnic

At the end of Term 1 we had a Teddy Bear's Picnic.  We brought our teddy bears to school for the day, had a picnic, then went to the local park for a play.  Our buddies came with us too!

It was a fun day!  We:

  • read to our teddy bears
  • wrote with our teddy bears
  • measured our teddy bears
  • made and ate some teddy bears
Our buddies brought their teddy bears too!

A big thank you to our wonderful parents who came along!

Our Teddies! on PhotoPeach

Park and bear treat! on PhotoPeach


  1. What a great idea the teddy bear toast was! I think that all your toast bears look too cute to eat! After making toast at school, Lachie can now make toast at home.... Maybe Lachie might make me bear toast to eat in bed for Mother's Day! Yum :-)

  2. Kat Moor - Penny and Josh MumMay 10, 2013 at 2:00 PM

    Yummy Teddy Bear toast. Such lovely walking too....so well behaved, very proud of you all in Room 12.
