Welcome to our blog.

We are a bunch of new entrant learners at Wairakei School, Christchurch, New Zealand. We hope you enjoy looking at what we have been up to.

Room 12's Pirate Blog is embedded into our class space. If you're having trouble reading/scrolling down our pirate blog...you can visit our blog in a new window by clicking on this link: http://piratelearners.blogspot.co.nz/

Sunday, May 12, 2013


How much water will fill this container?

Will this container hold more or less than that container?

How many cups of liquid do you think is in this container?

These are the questions that Room 12 will be answering over the next few weeks with Miss Gray.  They are learning all about capacity.  Take a look at the fabulous new equipment they are using...what fun!

Look at that focus!

Discovery Time!

Making paper iphones was one of the favourite activities this week!  Here is Lachie using his...I think he may be downloading a new app for his phone?

At the top right of Room 12's class space you will find some photo galleries.  Take a look at them...I update them when I can.  I have added some new photos to the Discovery Time gallery.

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